Friday, July 17, 2015

Easy Picture Frame Redos

Ever noticed when you go to a yard sale or browse through a thrift store the number of old pictures and picture frames people have decided to get rid of? Maybe the picture in the frame no longer matches their interior, or they just decided they don't have room for that picture anymore. Well, I have found that every picture frame has a purpose and can be repurposed into many things. I recently picked up several old picture frames, and hope to show you several ways that you can redo those pictures before you just though them out.
Picture Frame Haul....

And More....

The first project I decided to do is super easy that anyone with a computer or a quick stop by your local craft store can do. I decided to work with this little frame first. The lady I bought it from at the flea market said the picture inside came free with the frame. LOL
Seems all picture frames are either brown or black, but I can easily change that with some spray paint in one of my favorite colors.
After a couple coats, and cleaning the glass she was ready for something special.
Thanks to my trusting computer, I decided to print up a little saying that I know to be fact. I love my family!
Only thing about taking a picture of a picture is it never shows the details as they really are, and there is always a glare or a shadow or your reflection. It was such a beautiful day outside, so I decided you could best see this picture off of my back deck.
Stay tuned for more great picture frame projects!!!

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