Saturday, July 11, 2015

Finishing Granny's Quilt

When my Granny passed away she left a legacy of talent in the family, one of which is my Aunt Linda who's creativity never ceases to amaze me. In a recent family get-together I noticed that my Aunt had a quilting loom set up in her living room where she was quilting by hand.
Currently I am taking a quilting class, so I am intrigued by any and all quilts. Not just for the colors and beauty of the quilt, but for the work and love that goes into each quilt that is made.
These quilt blocks are known as the tic-tac-toe pattern.
Here you see where Linda is actually doing the quilting. This is where you sew together the decorative top, followed by batting which adds the thickness to the quilt, and then a back fabric is added. This sandwich of fabric and batting is quilted together basically making one very warm blanket to curl up under once complete.
The white chalk lines you see are where she will sew her quilting stitches. This classic stitch is known as the fan quilting pattern.
In talking with my Aunt she told me that the topper for this quilt was actually sewn by my Granny (who has now passed away) and she was finishing it up by quilting it. I treasure every quilt ever made and given to me by my Granny. She made each with hard work and love which makes them more valuable than any other items I own. This beautiful quilt, however goes to my cousin Lisa.
My Aunt talked about how hand quilting can be very time consuming for one person, so I expressed the idea of starting a family quilting bee. Several of us gathered around stitching away and gossiping about all the family members who aren't there, what could be better?! I love my family time!

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