Friday, July 3, 2015

A second look behind the scenes....

As we continue to celebrate our 1 month anniversary week, we also continue our glimpse into the lives of the faces behind Homespun and Redone.

Hey y'all! I'm Kelli, the other face behind Homespun and Redone, and I would like to welcome you to my backyard. I live with my husband on the lake at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. For me, one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on earth to live. I love it here!

I have been crafting and sewing since I was a little girl, something passed down to me by my sweet little Mama and Grandmothers (God rest their souls). Each of them showed me how to do something different, and the love to create has grown from there.
For the past 20+ years I have worked in the medical billing field, recently moving into remote medical billing allowing me to work from home. This has allowed me to spend more time crafting, sewing, repurposing, and other things I love. Like an afternoon boat ride or swim!
I am so excited to be a part of Homespun and Redone with my friend Laura. We have many new projects in the works, and cannot wait to share them all with you as we continue this incredible journey.


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