Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Saturday Adventure

Saturday we loaded up really early and went looking for treasures! The sun was just peaking up when I was on my way to pick up Kelli.

This Saturday was the annual Hwy 25 Yard Sale. It stretches from North Carolina through Tennessee into Kentucky. We started in Newport, TN and traveled through the towns of White Pine, Morristown, Bean Station, Rogersville, and Tazewell. 
We were a little disappointed that there weren't more people setup. But we still were able to find a few great treasures to bring home. The best stop was the White Pine Flea Market that is located on Highway 25E. There is truly something for everyone there. People sell tools, furniture, home decor items, clothes, farm animals and everything in between. We had a great time walking around there and found a few good buys but it was so HOT and we were glad when we finally made it back to the truck to get the air conditioner cranked up!
You can never go on an adventure without coming across something funny. While traveling through Rogersville, one stop had Elmo riding a John Deere Lawn Mower waving people in to their sale! So of course we had to pull in and check it out. I'm glad we did because I scored an awesome chair for ten bucks! 
While it wasn't the most successful buying trip, we still got a few good bargains  that we will be able to use on future projects. Below is Kelli's haul for the day. Be looking for the chair I purchased in a future post as I start descontruction and refinishing process on it!


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