Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cute Fabric Junky

Every time I go into a fabric store, I never come out with just the items I needed. Somehow I always end up checking out all the new fabrics, looking at what is on sale, and digging through the remnants bin. Then I end up with all this fabric and my husband asking what I plan to do with it.
Throw pillows always seem to be an easy make, and are always great to have to spruce up a plain chair, empty looking couch, and who does love tons of throw pillows on their bed.
So, pillows it was....
After cutting out my squares and rectangles, I pressed the fabric to make sure the pieces evenly matched up. For some I chose contrasting fabric to go on the back and others I did the same on both sides. It all depends on the fabric you have and type of look you are going for.
Like I had said, pillows are the easiest sewing project, even for beginners. All you have to do is cut a square and sew a straight line. Super simple and so much fun when you make them yourself.
Next is the stuffing. You can buy pillow forms, recover an old pillow, or just purchase a big bag of poly-fil, which is what I had to use this time around. We have a great little place in town called "The Foam Rubber Outlet" and you can buy these huge bags of poly-fil for just a couple of dollars.
I always keep a bag on hand.
Once you've stuffed the pillows making sure to push it into the corners, you'll want to close up the opening with just a few slip stitches.
 And wallah!
Pretty pillows to accessorize your home or to give as a gift!


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