Saturday, August 8, 2015

Old looks

I have been a terrible blogger and business partner this week. My fellow Homespun and Redoner, Laura, has been on a well deserved and needed vacation this week, and I promised I would take care of the blog and do all the posts this week. Well...I didn't get it done. This is the only post I have gotten on the blog this week, all thanks to my sick and whiny husband. Next time I'm going with you Laura!!
Anyway, I did get a couple projects done this week. This easy project only took me about 45 minutes to get done, and turned out so cute!

 I went through and found some old paperback books that had seen better days. (No worries, this was an old book with missing pages. No classics were used.) I tore out some pages and got out my glue gun.

Next I made little cone shapes with the paper and glued the ends so they would stay together.

After I got several made, I grabbed and old cardboard crate and used a plastic bowl to trace a circle.
I cut out the circle and then used an x-acto knife to cut out a small opening for the ribbon I will use to hang my wreath.
Next I started hot gluing the paper cones to the cardboard. I glued at each quarter point first, then went from there.
Within 20 minutes I had a beautiful wreath that can be used in any décor. For me it looked perfect on the inside of my front door.

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