Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Crafts and the Time of Giving

was able to work on four major Christmas crafts over the past couple of weeks. I would have loved to accomplished more, but had way too much on my plate this year.

I mentioned the Hanging Christmas tree in my last post. It was the first of the four crafts I was able to finish.

Next I decided to work on a picture frame I picked up at a yard sale. After a little cleaning, paint, ornaments, and a bow she was all ready to hang on someone's wall.

I moved on to bottles that is lol. I had collected several from friends a few years ago with the intent to make something or another, but never got around to them. So I stumbled upon the idea of snowmen, and went to work. I love spray paint it can transform anything into something else.

Running out of time, I decided to put an ornament wreath together. I loved the ornament tree on the pallet board, so I decided to do the same for the wreath. These were my favorite to make, so my plan is to do several more before next Christmas.

Once all the crafts were complete (at the last minute I should say...Christmas Eve). I had decided from the beginning I would give these crafts to very special people in my life, so the recipients were my own family. Smiles make all gifts worth while. It is better to give than receive, and the feeling it gives you is heartwarming.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you all the best in the coming New Year!


Saturday, December 12, 2015

O Hanging Christmas Tree

have seen so many beautiful crafts over the years, and I have always enjoyed making gifts for people. So this year I decided I would make a few of my favorites, then give them away to friends and family. 

The first craft of this year was a hanging Christmas tree.

I have seen these made different ways my several of my fellow bloggers as each person always wants to add there own style. 

For mine it all started with a wood pallet.

I removed a few of the boards and then attached then together to make the back for the tree.

Once I had them all attached, I lightly sanded the edges then sprayed it with a clear coat to seal the wood.

Then it was time to glue on the ornaments. I used a glue gun, cause I am the glue gun queen lol.

Once I was satisfied with the way it looked, I added a couple screws and some twine so she could be hung on the wall.

Hanging on the wall or leaning against it, I think this Christmas tree turned out perfect! Is the star crooked?? Lol


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Long Time No Boggin'

It's been forever since we have posted on the blog, but its been a busy end of summer and start of fall. The best thing that happened....I went on vacation!!!!

It was a great trip to the sunshine state! I have loved Florida since I was a kid. I used to carry the directions of how to get to Daytona Beach in my wallet because there was no such thing as the internet, GPS, cell phones or Apps. This way if I ever decided to run away or when I turned 18 and decided to move, I'd be prepared. In my Senior book I wrote that in 10 years I would be living in a beachfront condo in Daytona Beach, working as a travel agent, unmarried, and driving a 1979 (I did not graduate in '79 just liked that year's model) midnight blue Corvette Stingray. HAHAHA!!!!!

By the time I was 28, I was married living across the street from were I grew up and had a 6 year old son. Funny how life works out just the way we planned. LOL

Anyway, on this vacation I had told my husband I wanted to go pickin', so we hit flea markets on the way down I95 to Florida and on the way back. We also stopped in several shops in Daytona and surrounding little towns to see if we could find anything unique.

The haul wasn't huge, but the finds were fabulous.

We first found the flip-top table in a little shop in Daytona. The shop owner had just gotten it in, and didn't have any history on it, nor did he know what the inlay was made of. I'm still trying to some research to see if I can find out exactly what it is, but it is a beautiful piece.

We then found this awesome antique smoking table at a wonderful cluster of shops in Holly Hills. I had never seen anything like it in my neck of the woods. See how it has the drawer on the side with the ash tray and cigar holders with a kerosene lighter, then the humidor on the front. Whether you smoke cigars or not the piece is just fascinating to me, and would make a beautiful side table in your living room or bedroom.

We stopped at this huge shop on the river in Daytona that was packed full of antiques and repurposed items. It was a paradise. I noticed this corner chair just sitting along a wall, but it had no tag or info on it. The seat was not attached and was obviously upholstered over, but it was something I had not seen before at all. I was intrigued...then this little old lady spoke up and asked if I was interested in her chair. I said yes that it was cute. I didn't want to sound to eager and her throw out a HUGE price that I couldn't afford, but instead she said she was the owner's mother and offered me the chair for a decent price. I was hesitate because though I thought it was a unique piece, I was unsure if the price she was asking was really the deal she made it out to be. I decided to think about it, research it, and if it was meant to be I'd be back on Friday and pick it up. So.......I went back Friday and sure enough there was the chair this time tagged with the price she had quoted me. I snagged it up and brought it home with me!

On the way home we stopped by the St. Augustine Flea Market. Loved this place. It had such a variety of stuff to look through, but unfortunately I didn't score anything. My husband however found this great old fishing pole. His intentions were to use the guides off the pole on an antique rod/pool cue he is fixing up for his brother, but after being stopped by a man at the flea who informed him it looked like a valuable antique rod that he got a super deal on.....he is thinking he's going to keep it for himself and find something else for his brother.
Now lastly on our pickin' excursion my husband and I had stopped at a flea market in Jacksonville on our way down, and had seen a small telephone table and chair. It was a corner table, something we had not seen before. We couldn't make up our minds on whether it was worth picking up, so we left without it. Then as the week went by and we were out pickin' my husband kept bringing up that telephone table, and how he thought we should have gotten it. So on the way home we stopped again at the flea market and picked up the table. The gentleman selling it was the only antique dealer at this flea market. This was one of those knockoff fleas meaning there were lots of purse dealers, sunglasses, cellphone cases, socks, sheets, just all the stuff I am not really interested in finding at a flea market. I figured this is why the little table was going unnoticed. Everyone coming to this flea market had a cell phone and no idea what a telephone table would ever be used for.


So now we are back with our little haul, and eager to get started on the next phase of Homespun and Redone. New and exciting things coming next week! I can't wait to share with you!!!! I am SOOOO EXCITED!!!!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Saturday Pickin' Adventures

I left my house on a Saturday morning to run some errands but saw a sign on the highway that said ESTATE SALE. So I figured it was a sign that I had to go check it out!
I immediately eyed this pile of chairs. But after closer inspection they were badly worn and would take quite a bit of work to fix. I was looking for more of quick flip furniture. Something I could paint, change the fabric and be done. These would have taken alot of wood work to make them stable again. On to the next area....

I ended up not purchasing anything at the estate sale. I usually find most of my projects at yard sales and flea markets so most of the furniture here was out of my price range considering most of it would require more money and hard work to get it back into a usable condition. It was neat getting to look through all the treasures collected over the years in this home.
After hitting up the estate sale I decided to swing by a few of my favorite thrift stores to see what had came in. I struck out here too as far as furniture and other items go but I did score some nice clothes for myself so all wasn't lost!
I ran into this big feller at one thrift store. Everyone who knows me  knows I'm obsessed with owls. I know this painting was huge (around 5 feet tall) and gaudy. But that white owl was just screaming "Buy Me"!! I turned it over to find the price tag and it had SOLD wrote on it! So disappointing! I have no idea where I would have hung that big thing but if its got an owl on it I usually buy it!

After the estate sale and thrift store detours I finally got back on track and got all my errands ran!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Another Happy Princess

At the recent "Princess" birthday party, a friend of my cousin's asked if I would be willing to make her little princess a dress up station for her birthday. She needed it by the end of August, so that didn't leave much time. However, nothing makes me happier than seeing those little smiling faces when they are playing with their new present, so I was more than happy to do it for her.

I came across this one time entertainment center at one of my local thrift stores, so I took it home and got started right away.

First came the sanding, and then the priming. I don't care what anyone says. The actual paint goes on much better if you just take the time to lightly sand and prime your piece. I know people hate doing it, I don't think its all that fun, but if you want your piece to look like it should....take the time.

Next came the paint. I had the Mom go online to Lowe's website and pick a color from the Valspar color selector. That way I was sure to get exactly what she wanted for her little princess. Once the paint dried, it was time to decorate.

The little princess likes butterflies, I was told, so we went with that theme. I love the "BeYOU*itful" sign. Every little girl needs to know that being yourself is the most beautiful person in the world. Finally came delivery day, and smiles all around. So happy to see another satisfied princess!


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Getting ready for Fall y'all!

I have become slightly obsessed with making paper wreaths. I've found there are all sorts of paper you can use to make the wreaths, and they take no time. So, while I am currently working on a larger project that requires a lot of paint drying time, I have been busy making a few of the wreaths.

I found there are many uses for scrapbook paper thanks to Pinterest! I have never been a scrapbooker, but there are tons of other uses for all those beautiful papers other than just making a photo album. This wreath seems a little unfinished to me, so I am thinking of added raffia in between the back cones to add a little something-something. It's gonna be a beauty once I get done.
This wreath is my attempt at recreating a sunflower look. I used construction paper for this one. It is huge, but so cute in person. It would make a great piece for Summer or Fall.
My latest creation for fall only took me about an hour with cutting the paper, making the cones, and then glue it all together.  Simply decide on the paper you want to use. My squares were 12x12, so I cut them into 4x4 squares and made my cones. Then I laid them out to determine how I wanted them to look.
This is a great project to do by yourself, with friends, or even with the kids. Once your done you have a great little wreath for your front door, over your mantle, or just anywhere you want to add a little Fall color.