Saturday, December 12, 2015

O Hanging Christmas Tree

have seen so many beautiful crafts over the years, and I have always enjoyed making gifts for people. So this year I decided I would make a few of my favorites, then give them away to friends and family. 

The first craft of this year was a hanging Christmas tree.

I have seen these made different ways my several of my fellow bloggers as each person always wants to add there own style. 

For mine it all started with a wood pallet.

I removed a few of the boards and then attached then together to make the back for the tree.

Once I had them all attached, I lightly sanded the edges then sprayed it with a clear coat to seal the wood.

Then it was time to glue on the ornaments. I used a glue gun, cause I am the glue gun queen lol.

Once I was satisfied with the way it looked, I added a couple screws and some twine so she could be hung on the wall.

Hanging on the wall or leaning against it, I think this Christmas tree turned out perfect! Is the star crooked?? Lol


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