Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Saturday Pickin' Adventures

I left my house on a Saturday morning to run some errands but saw a sign on the highway that said ESTATE SALE. So I figured it was a sign that I had to go check it out!
I immediately eyed this pile of chairs. But after closer inspection they were badly worn and would take quite a bit of work to fix. I was looking for more of quick flip furniture. Something I could paint, change the fabric and be done. These would have taken alot of wood work to make them stable again. On to the next area....

I ended up not purchasing anything at the estate sale. I usually find most of my projects at yard sales and flea markets so most of the furniture here was out of my price range considering most of it would require more money and hard work to get it back into a usable condition. It was neat getting to look through all the treasures collected over the years in this home.
After hitting up the estate sale I decided to swing by a few of my favorite thrift stores to see what had came in. I struck out here too as far as furniture and other items go but I did score some nice clothes for myself so all wasn't lost!
I ran into this big feller at one thrift store. Everyone who knows me  knows I'm obsessed with owls. I know this painting was huge (around 5 feet tall) and gaudy. But that white owl was just screaming "Buy Me"!! I turned it over to find the price tag and it had SOLD wrote on it! So disappointing! I have no idea where I would have hung that big thing but if its got an owl on it I usually buy it!

After the estate sale and thrift store detours I finally got back on track and got all my errands ran!